Thursday, July 6, 2017

How long does oneclickdigitalsolutions take to respond?

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I've never ordered a visa through swagbucks before so I inevitably ran into a problem. I put the code I received into the site as instructed and filled in all my information and got my cards number and pin. All was well but I didn't think to screen shot the page or save the info. By the time I came back to the page to get the number and pin, the info was gone and restored to the original 'enter your code' page. I sent a message to oneclickdigitalsolutions trying to explain what had happened but I haven't heard back yet. This happened yesterday and i'm a little nervous I won't hear back. How long do they take to respond and should I ask Swagbucks for help in getting a response? Sorry if I rambled too much!

Submitted July 06, 2017 at 03:28PM by OldMcdonaldsToy

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