Friday, February 3, 2017

Switching car insurance question

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Has anyone ever switched car insurance providers and then eventually switched backed to the previous one? And did you get your old rate/discounts back?

I've been a state farm customer for 15 years since I first started driving, but I've recently priced out Geico online and it seems like I can save about 40% on my premiun WITH increased coverage. Our policy currently has the minimum coverage required but I want to increase to 100K/300K. The change in my renter's policy through SF will have a minimal change for the year's premium.

My wife is hesitant to switch because state farm has treated us well, with us having one comprehensive claim and involvement in a couple other accidents that were not our fault over the past couple of years. I'm wondering if we switch and Geico is terrible, would I likely get the same discounts if I went back to state farm?

Submitted February 02, 2017 at 11:06PM by beardyman901

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