Thursday, February 2, 2017

Reposting: [Asians] $15 for 30 mins of audio recordings if you finish ASAP within next 2 days. Need English speakers from an Asian background. Paypal. Limited spots.

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All you gotta do is record yourself reading short phrases on either a Windows PC, iOS, or an Android Platform. Defined crowd is looking for English-speakers from Latin/South American and Asian backgrounds. If you are confused or have any concerns, send a personal message to /u/JacobDefinedCrowd. He’s the person in charge-not me. You will have to install some software, but you can uninstall it when you are done (pic: ). This is like the length of a recording (the image is for a different job, but is virtually identical to this one, pic: Payment: you will be paid through PayPal sometime in the middle of next week.

You will earn $5 for 30 mins of work, but if you finish within the next 2 days, you can earn an additional $10 reward. That’s $15 for only 30 minutes of your time.

To apply: If you are confused or have any concerns, send a personal message to /u/JacobDefinedCrowd. He’s the person in charge. First, Determine the device you will be using (Android, iOS, Windows) and the environment you will record in.

The two environments are:

• Silent - record the entire session in a quiet environment - a room with no background noise, other people, appliances, etc.

• Noisy - record yourself in a cafeteria or office environment where there is some noise but you can still be heard clearly.

Secondly, Click the link that matches. You'll be taken to a page where you'll have to create a profile in order to apply. Make sure to add “English – United States” on your language settings to your profile If a link gives you the message “No more tasks available”, please try a different one. There are a limited number of spots available! The access code is PEGSDC. Each person can complete only 1 recording. You will not be paid for more.

• Android Phone –Noisy Environment (link:

• iOS iPhone –Noisy Environment (link:

• iOS iPhone – Silent Environment (link:

• Windows Computer – Noisy Environment (link:

• Windows Computer – Silent Environment (link:

P.S. Want to earn more money?

You will be paid an additional $5 USD for every referral that finishes. Register yourself as Project Coordinator here (link:

Edit: AS OF 2/2/17, 12:00PM PST Device - Environment - SPOTS AVAILABLE

iOS - Noisy - 3

iOS - Silent - 9

Android - Noisy - 2

Desktop - Noisy - 7

Desktop - Silent - 1

Keep going and you can still make the $15, plus $5 for referrals. We want this project done by tonight! Don't worry about the exact "2 days" deadline for the reward. As long as everything is finished by Friday/Saturday, you and your referrals will get the full $15 amount. Email them at jacob@definedcrowd if you have questions! Thanks!

Thank you, DefinedCrowd

Submitted February 03, 2017 at 12:11AM by chrl98

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