Thursday, February 16, 2017

Offering $1 Paypal Per Entry.

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For those that may have missed it, someone posted yesterday about getting a free $5 Microsoft gift card by signing up for Microsoft Rewards. If you are someone that has no use for these Microsoft points, I will pay $1 paypal for ever Microsoft card that is sent to me. If I am correct you are allowed up to 5 accounts per IP address, as stated in Microsoft Rewards TOS.

It takes just a few minutes to make an account and receive your reward.

If your interested in this please PM me the codes, then comment here and I will reply after I have sent payment, to keep me accountable. I have $50 in paypal so if I have that many people send me codes I will edit this to let everyone know that I can't take any more entry's.

If this isn't allowed please remove, but I don't see anything in the rules against this.

Submitted February 16, 2017 at 09:54AM by imth3playa

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