Monday, February 15, 2016

[iOS] AppWinn - review apps from the app store for $1 each plus a very good refferal system

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It is basically the typical pay to review for iOS, where 1 review equals 100 points and 100 points is a dollar.

Personally, I like it more than AppReviewGeeks because from my expirience you get just as much apps from AppWinn as you would from AppReviewGeeks. There are also no PayPal fees and everyone gets a chance to review an app since it's on a "first come, first serve" principal but you can subscribe to get email alerts when new apps are offered. Also I'm not too sure about this but they say that the reviews have to be honest and they do not say that you have to rate it 4/5 stars like others do.

Finally, their refferal system is just great! If you register with my refferal link, you start with 50 points which is $0.50 and I get 50% of your points for lifetime, so that makes it a faster earner than AppReviewGeeks. You can redeem PayPal, Amazon, iTunes, Starbucks, GooglePlay, Xbox and Steam.

So that's basically it. If you'd like to help me, I'd really appreciate it!

Ref link:


P.S. I'll be posting proof later today.

edit: proof

Submitted February 15, 2016 at 04:36AM by noctisD

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