Friday, February 28, 2020

QMEE asking for IP address

1 comment :

Hello my beautiful people!

I just want to start by saying I love this sub! 💕

Soooo, I started using Qmee a while back but then the app and website on my laptop stopped showing me surveys. I didn’t know what to do but send an email to support and wait but nothing came of the email.

Just yesterday I thought “screw it” and let me just cash out my $11.76

The app didn’t allow me to cash out and I emailed support again. I received a response and they told me it must be my ISP. I told them my ISP and they are now asking me for my IP address.

I’m not sure if I should send them my IP (I’m not very tech savvy)

Would anyone be able to just let me know if it’s safe or have been in a similar situation?

Thank you so much and sorry this is long!

TL;DR: QMEE is asking for IP Address for error while cashing out.

Submitted February 28, 2020 at 07:30PM by matwyomp

1 comment :

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